Webcam sharing (HDFaces): 0.7 Mbps (700 Kbps) to 2Mbps, depending on number and size of webcams in use.Its still ideal for launching fast, low-friction screen sharing sessions right. Once the call starts, select Share Your Screen. even when live-coding, both sharing a screen and an individual app. Also: You might also want to set Limit your screen share to 8 frames per second but it has worked well for me without it.

Set Screen Capture Mode to Previous Operating Systems. In the upper-right corner of the app, select Start Video Call. Under Screen Share -> Advanced -> Screen Capture Mode. Find the user that you want to share your screen with and start a chat with them.

Stream HD quality video Enjoy better video resolutions for all your streams with up to 4K source resolution and up to 60-fps screen share.
Use server boosts Get 2 free server boosts, which you can use on any server you'd like, plus 30 off additional server boosts. For example, screen sharing will use more bandwidth during a PowerPoint presentation with multiple slides than it will when a single image is being shown. Discord has many cool features that make it unique and practical. Increase your file sharing powers from 8 MB to a 100 MB upload size.
The amount of bandwidth that GoToMeeting uses during a session varies depending on the features that are being used. How to Screen Share on Discord Mobile In this tutorial, I show you how to enable screen sharing in the Discord mobile app on your iPhone or Android phone.